Serverless computing is an approach in cloud computing wherein an application is run using third-party services, client-side logic and cloud-hosted remote procedure calls (Functions-as-a-Service) instead of pre-built software or hardware.
This method is utilised so that a user wouldn’t worry about infrastructure or management when building their codes, as serverless means, you can run your application virtually anywhere. Essentially, you can build and run applications without thinking about the servers.
Although serverless doesn’t necessarily mean servers are no longer involved, this approach denotes that a user can focus on the code and task of its application instead of focusing on how the applications will correspond to certain servers.
A company that uses services from serverless vendors only pays based on the amount of executed applications and does not have to reserve and pay for a fixed amount of computing capacity, as the service is auto-scaling.
Going serverless has many benefits: Greater scalability, more flexibility and quicker time to release, all at a cheaper cost. With serverless, developers do not need to exert effort worrying about purchasing, provisioning and managing backend servers.