Cloud StorageDaily News

Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager Aims to Empower Businesses to Escape Vendor Lock-In Without Egress Fees or Downtime

Wasabi Technologies has unveiled Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager, aimed at enabling businesses around the world to migrate data from pricey hyperscale cloud environments like Amazon Web Services’ S3 to Wasabi without incurring egress fees or experiencing downtime. For better latency management, to ensure compliance, and to promote best practices in data backup and recovery, data replication and synchronisation between Wasabi regions are provided. The capacity to move data between clouds on demand, safeguarding copies of data in other areas, boosting cloud data performance and reaction time, and decreasing total storage costs are all advantages for customers.

Price increases in the cloud combined with the current state of the economy have prompted many companies to explore cheaper alternatives to cloud storage. However, many businesses are stuck with their present provider due to the prohibitive expenses of migrating from one cloud to another, such as egress and data retrieval fees and technical infrastructure difficulties in moving data back on-premises and then to a new cloud.

With Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager, you can avoid the hassle and expense of migrating data from one cloud service to another. For data transfer to and from Wasabi, it utilises encrypted private connections to Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage (GCP), and other S3-compliant cloud storage providers. This allows users to swiftly transfer big datasets while minimising egress fees from those providers, avoiding internet latency and bottlenecks, and benefiting from fast and consistent performance. Customers can keep feeding data into their primary cloud without any interruption in service while it is being migrated. Customers can use Wasabi’s bucket replication feature to move data from one storage bucket in one Wasabi region to another storage bucket in a different Wasabi region. This is the best option for enhancing security, satisfying compliance and sovereignty mandates, or decreasing latency.

Wasabi’s hot cloud storage may be used for anything from active archiving and backup to disaster recovery and active data storage for custom applications because it is both cheaper and faster than Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) and other similar providers. Businesses can store all their data safely and economically, with instantaneous access whenever they need it, without having to worry about complex pricing tiers, at a price that is one-fifth that of hyperscalers and with no fees for egress or API requests. With Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager, users can immediately begin saving money by taking advantage of cheaper cloud storage options.

“Wasabi’s singular focus is to deliver the best cloud storage in the world, and Cloud Sync Manager marks the next step in our mission,” said David Boland, Vice President of Cloud Strategy at Wasabi Technologies. “Companies in the past may have wanted to leave their cloud provider but couldn’t afford to. Now, Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager allows customers to switch to the more affordable and higher performing Wasabi hot cloud storage for just pennies per GB, depending on the data source and geographical region, and start saving money immediately.”


Izzat Najmi Abdullah

Izzat Najmi bin Abdullah is an up-and-coming journalist in the tech world, working for Asia Online Publishing Group. He specialises in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, and has a passion for exploring the latest innovations and trends in these fields. Najmi is determined to become a recognised expert in the industry and hopes that his articles provide readers with valuable insights into the fast-paced world of technology. As an English Literature graduate, he combines his love for the language with his interest in the tech field to offer a unique perspective on how technology is evolving, with the goal of becoming the Shakespeare of the tech society.

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