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Reflecting on MDX: Transformative Impacts on Malaysia’s Digital Frontier

In a recent digital triumph, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) orchestrated a sprawling 6-week spectacle known as the Malaysia Digital Expo (MDX). This dynamic campaign unfolded across multiple states, beckoning participants to delve into the heart of Malaysia’s digital economy.

The apex of this digital extravaganza, the MDX Grand Finale, unfolded at the prestigious Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC) from November 6th to 8th. Here, within the expansive exhibition grounds, luminaries of the tech world converged. Esteemed figures like Zack Kass, Ricky Kapur, Gaurav Bhasin, Khairul Aming, and an array of other thought leaders took the stage. Their impassioned discussions delved into the profound influence and captivating potential of cutting-edge technologies: AI, big data, analytics, and machine learning, all shaping the landscape of Malaysia’s digital economy.

The MDX Grand Finale wasn’t merely an event; it was a convergence of minds, a hub of innovation, where attendees were not only observers but active participants in shaping the future of Malaysia’s digital frontier.

From left: Gopi Ganesalingam (MDEC Head of Digital Export), Ahmed Emre Buyukkilic (Country Advisor for Turkiye Investment Office), Paul Jaroslav Sanda (Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner Austrade), and Mercedes White (Head of Digital Trade Network, Southeast Asia at Department for International Trade

DSA had the opportunity to interview Gopi Ganesalingam, MDEC’s Head of Digital Export, during the MDX Grand Finale. The aim was to glean insights from him, capturing his experiences and perspectives on the MDX programme and its overall impact.

Gopi began by elucidating the role of MDEC within Malaysia’s digital landscape. He emphasised MDEC’s pivotal function in steering the digital economy and technology ecosystems. This involves fostering digital investments by facilitating the global outreach of digital companies and serving as technology enablers within Malaysia, ensuring that citizens have access to the latest technological advancements and digital resources.

Furthermore, he articulated that the primary objective of MDX extends beyond commemorating MDEC’s accomplishments and milestones. MDX serves as a platform not only for celebrating MDEC’s successes but also for fostering connections within the digital and technology sectors. It aims to unite businesses and influential figures, creating a space where they can seamlessly network and collaborate.

MDX: A Testament to MDEC Success in Growing Malaysia’s Digital Landscape

Events of a grand scale, such as MDX, inevitably encounter challenges—be it during the planning stages or on the day of the event itself. Gopi emphasised the competence and resilience of the MDEC team in effectively navigating and overcoming these challenges. He then elaborated on the most significant hurdle MDEC faced during the organisation of the 6-week-long event:

Since this is the first year MDEC organised it, we started from zero, so the hardest challenge was to convince the public, organisations, and sponsors to take part. However, I’m positive next year will be a lot easier because by then they [public/organisations/sponsors] would’ve already heard the news of MDX’s success.”

From right: by YBrs. TS. Mahadhir Aziz (CEO of MDEC), YB Puan Teo Nie Ching (Deputy Minister of Communications and Digital), YAB Dato Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim (Prime Minister of Malaysia), Ivan Teh (Fusionex Chief Executive Officer), and YB Tuan Ahmad Fahmi bin Mohamed Fadzil (Minister of Minister of Communications and Digital)

According to him, MDX attributes its success to its primary sponsors and collaborations with key players in the digital and technology sectors, such as Fusionex, a homegrown Malaysian data technology provider, ZTE, a global integrated communication solutions provider, TM, a prominent Malaysian communication services provider, and Evenesis, a homegrown event management software provider. Gopi underscored that the support and partnership from these companies stand as a testament to MDEC’s success in fostering the growth and empowerment of Malaysia’s digital economy.

In this vein, he enthusiastically highlighted the resounding success of the 6-week-long MDX event, citing its positive impact on Malaysia’s digital and technological landscape. Notably, the participation of influential figures like Ricky Kapur, Head of APAC at Zoom, and Zack Kass, Head of Go-To-Market at OpenAI, signalled a promising trajectory for Malaysia’s digital sphere. He emphasised that their presence foreshadows significant advancements in Malaysia’s digital landscape.

Concluding the interview, Gopi passionately encouraged Malaysians to fully embrace and explore the realm of digital technologies, particularly highlighting the significance of AI. He emphasised the certainty of AI seamlessly integrating into daily life in the near future, foreseeing its widespread adoption in both personal and business spheres in the upcoming year.

Mohammad Al Amin Mohd Jahaya

Mohammad Al Amin bin Mohd Jahaya serves as a tech journalist at Asia Online Publishing, where he delves into a myriad of technology topics daily, ranging from data analytics to cybersecurity, AI advancements, and emerging technologies such as augmented reality and blockchain. His passion for exploring the intersection of technology and society drives his commitment to delivering insightful and engaging content to readers across various digital platforms. With four years of experience as a writer in digital and content marketing, Mohammad Al Amin draws upon his expertise to enrich his skills as a tech journalist. This unique blend of experiences allows him to provide insightful and comprehensive coverage of the ever-evolving technology landscape.

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