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June 2023 Special Focus: Cloud Repatriation

Cracks in the Cloud: Unmasking the Need for Repatriation

There was a time when businesses were enchanted by the allure of the cloud. It promised infinite scalability, cost efficiency, and hassle-free management, casting a mesmerising spell over industries worldwide. Yet, as the digital landscape evolved, and the cloudscape unfolded, cracks started to appear in this seemingly flawless facade. Hidden beneath the cloak of convenience, a new reality took shape ā€” one that forced organisations to question their allegiance to the cloud.

Data sovereignty concerns began to echo through boardrooms, compliance regulations tightened their grip, and unpredictable costs ran amok. The once harmonious relationship with the cloud began to feel suffocating and restrictive. The time had come for a recalibrationā€” a strategic retreat to breathe new life into on-premises computing.

Cloud repatriation emerged as the rallying cry, empowering organisations to seize control, fortify security, unleash unrivalled performance, and mould their IT infrastructure to their exact specifications.

For those currently standing at a crossroads, unsure whether to remain in the cloud or reclaim their digital assets, we offer guidance. The decision is not to be taken lightly, and we highlight the key factors that should dominate the evaluation process.

Thus, for this monthā€™s Special Focus, we embark on a journey deep into the heart of cloud repatriation.

We reached out to the experts to find answers to important questions, such as why businesses are moving out of the cloud, and the oversights that companies commonly make during their cloud adoption journey, which later necessitate repatriation efforts. Additionally, we explored best practices that companies can follow to minimise the chances of needing repatriation, along with a host of other insightful topics in this month’s issue.

We hope you find the e-book informative and that it can help you in your journey towards successful cloud adoption and long-term digital transformation.

DSA Editorial

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